TAXA Statistics

Woody Order Count 107
Woody Families Count 434
Woody Genera Count 4167
Woody Species Count 15536
Commercial Woods Count 1729
Softwoods Count 468
Colour Scans Count 2422
U.V. Photos Count 73

Photomicros Counts

Crosscut photomicros 15
Radial photomicros 7
Tangential photomicros 13
Total Photomicros 35

Additional Counts

Common names listed 6048
Species Locations reported 2513
Species authorities listed 11846
Missing genera in the genus table
reported in the species table
Count of wood species without common names 9489
Count of commercial species without
common names entered yet
Number of genera = 0.
Ie. missing genera

Taxon Statistics

Total taxon statuses recorded 6238
"Accepted Names" entered 3174
Synonyms entered 1481
Unresolved Status Count 302